HI welcome to my website. my little slice of the big internet pie. my home away from home. my permanent wip... my name is Sophia and with my miminal coding skills im going to put a lot of cool stuff here :3 enjoy your stay
storytime !!! lets talk about this website :). so i think i first found Neocities when i was looking for graphics for my Rentry about me page. and i came across the awesome resource Carrd, barbara.crd.co, and it had said they moved to Neocities ! (ill link it here in a second) and i made a website for "a project" i will call it for now (side note i can't log into it or reset my password for some reason and it makes me mad). and eventually i wanted a personal site, so i made this one ! i named it "illbeyourmirror" after the. The Vevlet Underground and Nico song. i love it very much. this site was intended to just be a blog, but i decided to do more stuff too :). the end of storytime, thank you for reading
feb 20th '23. taking a break from this website to work on my other one ^_^
feb 15th '23. added a cute raspberry pastry hanger graphic thing under this, and another box on the left. dont ask me what will be there (i do not know)
feb 14th '23. moved this over to the sidebar, added an enterance page w a mirror, + happy valentines day <3
feb 11th '23. added this update box :), started work on about.html