Welcome To Your Mirror

hello web surfer and welcome to my website, illbeyourmirror. it is my little house on a webpage; i try to make it cozy and kitschy :3 anyways this site is always under construction but go ahead and look around :D enjoy your stay and sign my guestbook before you leave !

mar 11th '23. im back baby !! workinf on this new layout thank you 2011 createblog
feb 20th '23. taking a break from this website to work on my other one ^_^
feb 15th '23. added a cute raspberry pastry hanger graphic thing under this, and another box on the left. dont ask me what will be there (i do not know)
feb 14th '23. moved this over to the sidebar, added an enterance page w a mirror, + happy valentines day <3
feb 11th '23. added this update box :), started work on about.html

click the brown door on the right for the sitemap, and click the heart door on the left for more sites to check out !! there is also navigation on the right sidebar :)